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Decluttering Your Home and Mind 15 Minutes At A Time

Writer's picture: Michelle HagenMichelle Hagen

"We get to choose how we want to move forward. If you don't want to be busy all the time, you can have that choice. We don't have to fall victim to this societal norm that that's the way motherhood has to be. It is all about this choice in what we focus on and what we prioritize."

- Renae Fieck

Renae Fieck - Michelle Hagen

We all have that desk that gets piled high with who-knows-what each day, right? Or what about all those art projects our sweet kids bring home from school? Just like the overwhelming clutter we may feel in our homes at times, our minds also get overwhelmed with "mental clutter." Both the physical and mental clutter in our lives can be tidied up with a few simple steps to provide us a much more peaceful and happy space in our homes and in our minds.

An occupational therapist and mom of 3, Renae is the queen of all things "declutter." She advocates for moms who desire more grace, space, and rest within their lives. In today's episode we discuss what decluttering truly means and how we can implement better habits to more consistently declutter our homes and our minds.

Quotes I loved:

"Most moms are spending between 3 and 5 hours a day cleaning up. The research shows that if you declutter your space, you could reduce that number by 40%."

"Each of us is so different so finding something that is going to work with you is going to be key."

"Do just 15 minutes. It doesn't have to be big, it doesn't have to be a lot, but if you consistently spend 15 minutes decluttering, over time that 15 minutes becomes exponential. With consistency it no longer is this thing where you are cleaning up the same thing every single day. Every day you are getting rid of 15 minutes worth of stuff; that's going to add up. All of that is going to reduce the amount of time you are spending having to clean it over and over."

"Our life is a makeup of the habits we have had prior. Looking forward, where do I want to go and what do I want to accomplish and what are those habits I need to get there?"

"You are going to have more progress if you continue decluttering versus if you just do it one time."

"When you do it consistently over time and are constantly clearing stuff out, it doesn't get so big that it feels overwhelming."

"We get to choose how we want to move forward. If you don't want to be busy all the time, you can have that choice. We don't have to fall victim to this societal norm that that's the way motherhood has to be. It is all about this choice in what we focus on and what we prioritize."

"Check your expectations. What expectations are you placing on yourself?"

In this conversation, we covered:

  • How home clutter can turn to mind clutter

  • Importance of finding a balance

  • Implementing the 15 minute declutter consistently

  • Focusing your energy on one area at a time

  • Developing good habits moving forward

  • What decluttering entails exactly

  • Power of choice and prioritization

Where to connect with Renae:

Website - Check out her guide to a clutter-free, cleaner home HERE!


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The Busy Years Podcast :

- You can do this mama, in the middle of motherhood no matter how busy the years get! -

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Created by Michelle Hagen Creative, LLC 2023

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